Shalom House
Lower Celtic Park
County Fermanagh
BT74 6HP
Cd's and Dvd's, inspirational music, inspirational music sale, Inspirational Products, mail order, music composer, music dvds and cds, music providers, music sale, music shop
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YOUR KINDNESS TODAY, OUR CARE TOMORROW A Mother and her Son saw a need and launched Ambless Inspirational. All they had, was just a few lines, but much can come forth, from a little seed. Staffed by volunteers, it's a small music shop, selling a range of items by mail order, part of Ambless Society, where proceeds, are used to help the Hurting. Special Offers appear inside the newsletter 'Our Companion' that is published at various times, throughout the year. Accredited Members: PPL, CCLI, CVLI, PRSM, PCI DSS (WORLDPAY). Orders by Telephone, Fax, SMS Text, Email or via the Post. Remember The Muppets, Justin Bieber, Flipper, Susan Boyle, One Direction, Barney, The Hoppers, Beethoven (famous dog), Paul Baloche, Derek Ryan, Red Hot Chilli Pipers, Susan McCann, Billy Graham, Phil Coulter, Michael Jackson, Rev William McCrea (the singing minister), Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, Bob the Builder, are just some of the artists. CD's and DVD's, can bring Joy to a Weary Heart and offer Hope and Encouragement to face Tomorrow, as well as make an Ideal Gift. Please remember the work in your prayers.
Monday to Friday
10:30 to 16:00
Saturday to Sunday
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